5 Kettlebell Exercises For The Arms
Kettlebell exercises are a popular choice for people who are looking to strengthen their arm muscles. Their fluid push and pull motions allows you to engage the major arm muscles along with many of the stabilizer muscles that don’t get targeted with other pieces of muscle building equipment. In this article we’ll be looking at how you can build up your arms with kettlebells in greater detail and listing 5 of the most effective kettlebell exercises for the arms.

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To get the most out of these kettlebell arm exercises, make sure you choose your kettlebell weights based on the criteria below:
- For Muscle Size & Strength: Select kettlebells that you can complete between 4-8 reps of the exercise with.
- For Muscle Endurance & Tone: Select kettlebells that you can complete between 12-16 reps of the exercise with.
- For A Combination Of The Above:Select kettlebells that you can complete between 8-12 reps of the exercise with.
Exercise 1 – Kettlebell Bicep Curl
The kettlebell bicep curl mainly targets the bicep muscles at the front of your arms but also helps to build up your wrists. To perform the kettlebell bicep curl, follow the instructions below:
- Grab 2 kettlebells, then stand up straight with your feet a shoulder width apart, your arms straight by your side and your palms facing outward.
- Bend your arms and curl the kettlebells up toward your shoulder, making sure that you keep your elbows tucked into your sides and your back straight.
- Straighten your arms and lower the kettlebells back down to the starting position.
- Repeat steps 2-3 for your chosen number of reps.
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of The Kettlebell Bicep Curl
Exercise 2 – Kettlebell Snatch
The kettlebell snatch is one of the most popular kettlebell arm exercises. It targets your triceps while also working many other muscles in your upper and lower body. Additionally, the fast pulling and swinging motion of this exercise gives you a great cardiovascular workout. To perform the kettlebell snatch, follow the instructions below:
- Stand with your feet a shoulder width apart, place a kettlebell on the floor between your legs and bend your knees slightly.
- Grasp the kettlebell handle with your left hand and swing it back between your legs.
- Reverse the movement and use your hips for momentum to swing the kettlebell forward and up while straightening your legs.
- As the kettlebell reaches chest height, bend your left arm, pull the kettlebell in toward your chest and then press it up above your head.
- Bend your knees slightly, lower the kettlebell down and swing it back between your legs.
- Repeat steps 3-5 for your chosen number of reps.
- Place the kettlebell on the floor between your legs, stand with your feet a shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly.
- Grasp the kettlebell handle with your right hand and swing it back between your legs.
- Reverse the movement and use your hips for momentum to swing the kettlebell forward and up while straightening your legs.
- As the kettlebell reaches chest height, bend your right arm, pull the kettlebell in toward your chest and then press it up above your head.
- Bend your knees slightly, lower the kettlebell down and swing it back between your legs.
- Repeat steps 9-11 for your chosen number of reps.
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of The Kettlebell Snatch
Exercise 3 – Kettlebell Standing Chest Press
The kettlebell standing chest press is a simple but useful exercise that is perfect if you’re just starting out with kettlebells. To perform the kettlebell standing chest press, follow the instructions below:
- Grab a kettlebell with both hands, bend your arms so that the kettlebell is by your chest, then stand with your legs close together and a slight bend in your knees.
- Straighten your arms and push the kettlebell out in front of your chest, making sure that you keep the rest of your body stationary.
- Hold your arms out straight for a couple of seconds, then bend your arms and bring the kettlebell back up against your chest.
- Repeat steps 2-3 for your chosen number of reps.
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of The Kettlebell Standing Chest Press
Exercise 4 – Kettlebell Standing Tricep Extension
The kettlebell standing tricep extension is an excellent exercise for the back of your arms. To perform the kettlebell tricep extension, follow the instructions below:
- Grab the top of a kettlebell handle with both hands, making sure that your palms are facing upward, then stand with your legs close together and a slight bend in your knees.
- Bend your arms and curl the kettlebell up to your chest.
- Straighten your arms and press the kettlebell up above your head.
- Bend your arms and lower the kettlebell down behind your head, stopping when your arms are bent at a 90 degree angle.
- Repeat steps 3-4 for your chosen number of reps.
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of The Kettlebell Tricep Extension
Exercise 5 – Kettlebell Straight Arm Front Extension
The kettlebell straight arm front extension is a brilliant exercise for strengthening your arms and shoulders. To perform the kettlebell straight arm front extension, follow the instructions below:
- Grab a kettlebell with your left hand and stand up straight with your feet a shoulder width apart.
- Bend your right arm behind your back and hold the kettlebell in front of your legs.
- Slowly lift the kettlebell up in front of you and up to shoulder height, making sure that you keep your left arm straight at all times.
- Slowly lower the kettlebell back down in front of your legs.
- Repeat steps 3-4 for your chosen number of reps.
- Transfer the kettlebell to your right hand, then stand up straight with your feet a shoulder width apart.
- Bend your left arm behind your back and hold the kettlebell in front of your legs.
- Slowly lift the kettlebell up in front of you and up to shoulder height, making sure that you keep your right arm straight at all times.
- Slowly lower the kettlebell back down in front of your legs.
- Repeat steps 8-9 for your chosen number of reps.
Click Here For A Video Demonstration Of The Kettlebell Straight Arm Front Extension

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I hope you enjoy these kettlebell exercises and that they help to maximize the strength and size of your arms. For the best results, perform these kettlebell exercises up to 3 times per week and make sure you get plenty of rest between each workout. Additionally, make sure that you increase the amount of weight you’re lifting on a regular basis so that your strength levels improve on a consistent basis.