Reverse the Aging Process

Reverse the Aging Process

Stop Time in Its Tracks – Before It Wreaks Havoc on Your Physical and Mental Well-Being!

Give Your Skin a Youthful Appearance

Aging is something that happens to all of us – but if you look around, there are some people who just don’t look their age. In fact, some of these people even look decades younger.

It’s not that they’ve found the elusive fountain of youth. What these people have done is look for ways that slow or reverse the damage that aging does. When you find ways that can reserve the damage, it’s the same as if you’ve actually reversed the years on your life’s clock.

But what these people have done is not some big secret. You can have the same youthful appearance in your own life – starting with how your skin looks.

What You Might Not Know About Age Spots

Everyone calls those different colored spots that crop up on your skin as you get older – age spots. It makes sense that these spots would be linked to aging because they sure seem to appear in groups with every birthday that you have.

But the truth is that these different colored marks that pop up on your skin aren’t really connected to how much time you’ve spent accumulating birthdays. These spots are actually signs that your skin as sustained some notable sun damage.

You can test this theory simply by noticing that your skin that’s not exposed to the sun doesn’t have these blotches at all. You might be wondering why these spots seem more noticeable as you grow older.

The reason that this is the case is that your skin loses collagen – it’s not as firm – so you start to see more of the damage under the skin showing up on the surface of the skin.

These spots are showing you that your skin was damaged – but sometimes it can take months or years for this damage to actually show up. That’s how people started relating them to age.

But what you should know is that a lot of time spent in the sun can make these age spots look worse and can create even more of them. Age spots are different from freckles. These are usually not nearly as large as age spots, but being in the sun can make them look darker because of the way that the sun affects the pigmentation of them. True age spots don’t usually present themselves until someone is in their forties – and again, this is the reason why people assume they’re linked with aging. Age spots are known as liver spots or lentigines.

Fortunately, these can be reversed. You don’t have to live with these spots on your hands or face – especially if they make you feel uncomfortable. What you can do is use a drug that’s known to lighten the age spots.

These drugs contain hydroquinone, an agent that’s known to stop the melanin that’s responsible for darkening your skin. You have to be careful when you put it on because it will bleach any skin it comes in contact with.

There are some things that have been around awhile on the market that can help – creams like Renova or Avita. But what’s been discovered when it comes to age spots is that some prescription acne drugs can actually be used to lighten age spots as well.

One of these is adapalene gel. If you want to use a natural skin lightener, then you want to look for ones that have a good concentration of Vitamin C in them to address the discoloration.

How to Tighten Sagging Skin

Whether you’re a man or a woman, you know that as you age, your skin loses its tightness. This is what some people refer to as their skin ‘going south’. It’s simply that your skin is stretched with aging.

As a result of this stretching, you end up with sagging skin in virtually any part of your body. You can have it in an area that maybe someone else won’t have it in. This can be part of your genetic makeup.

The reason for the start of sagging skin is because the collagen starts to break down. When it starts to break down, the skin just doesn’t hold together like it did. But you can defy age and even reverse those sagging areas.

You don’t have to choose an invasive method to fix your skin – although that certainly is one option for you.  Many of the solutions that you can turn to in order to reverse the aging process and restore your skin’s tightness is something that you can buy right over the counter. You can begin with a nice moisturizer. But you have to use specific ones. Look for creams and lotions that have terms like skin recovery cream, skin strengthening or skin plumping and any one of those can help.

One product that’s been scientifically proven to reverse the sagging skin that happens with aging is vitamin A. You can find this in creams or serums. Look for it under the name Retinol.

As part of a beauty routine, you would need to use this product daily – and as you use it, it firms the skin. You can use hydroxy acids to get a lift from sagging skin. Also, any product that can cause your pores to tighten up will give your skin a younger look.

However, that’s not a long-term fix – and if you go that route, you’ll have to use it consistently. If you want something that’s a little faster acting and is a more permanent solution, you can talk to your doctor about getting treatments for collagen.

These treatments are performed by lasers – but they’re not invasive like a face lift would be. What these treatments do is promote the growth of new collagen when the lasers target a sagging skin area. Patients who undergo these treatments can take years off their appearance.

Get Rid of Wrinkles

Seeing wrinkles around the eyes and mouth can also happen as you grow older, but there are treatment options available that can reverse them. You might be surprised to learn that some of these treatments are probably in your kitchen cabinet right now!

Foods that are rich in antioxidants are one of your first helpers when you want to reverse wrinkles. These foods – especially ones that are rich in vitamins A, C and E – are instrumental in repairing skin that’s damaged by aging.

Damage happens and in turn causes wrinkles because the protein elastin is your connective tissue that gives skin its firm, wrinkle-free appearance. You lose elastin as you get older because it begins to break down. The skin begins to sag and wrinkle because of this process.

If you’re wondering how consuming foods with antioxidants can help reverse wrinkles, the answer is simple. It’s because the antioxidants in foods fight free radicals that damage your skin.

When used together with collagen stimulating products such as Retinol, you end up with youthful looking skin. You also want to eat a lot of omega 3 foods because this helps fatty acids tighten cells, giving your skin a fuller look – which reverses wrinkles.

In order to stimulate the growth of collagen, you body must have the right amount of the mineral copper. You’ll find this mineral in shellfish and lentils. There are also topical solutions that you can use to combat and reverse wrinkling. What’s so interesting about these products is that if you read the ingredient labels, many of them have the exact same vitamins and minerals contained in the foods you eat.

But natural herbs can also get rid of those wrinkles. Witch hazel has some antioxidant properties. Not only that, but witch hazel can reverse wrinkles because it has tannins in it. When applied to skin, tannins cause the skin to tighten up and smooth out.

You also want to make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water. If you’re dehydrated, that can lead to your skin becoming too dry, which in turn can lead the skin to wrinkle. By staying hydrated, you can reverse the effects of some wrinkles.

If your problem area is around the eyes, there’s a reason that you get wrinkles here. This skin area is thinner than it is around the mouth, so you’ll notice wrinkles more easily. Since this area is so close to the eyes, you have to be careful using anti-wrinkle cream that you can use around the mouth. But one product that’s popular among some celebrities is wrinkle reversing products that contain apple stem cell extract.

The creams containing this ingredient work to rejuvenate the skin by protecting the skin cells as well as regenerating new skin cells.

Protecting Yourself from Skin Cancer

Besides age spots and wrinkles, skin cancer can also be linked to the sun. Most people don’t think of their skin as an organ – and yet that’s exactly what it is. It has to be protected when you go out in the sun.

Skin cancer can appear as a direct result of not protecting your skin. Damage can happen the first few times you get exposure to the sun. Even if you never get a sunburn, you can still sustain damage.

Damage to your skin by the sun’s harmful rays is the leading cause of almost all cases of skin cancer. Your skin has three layers. It has the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutis – basically, the first, second and third layer.

The second layer, the dermis, is where you’ll find collagen. Collagen is what helps your skin look younger and smoother. Unfortunately, this is also the layer that bears the brunt of the sun’s rays. When the sun’s rays damage fibers in this layer, you’ll see wrinkles. But more dangerously, when the cell mutations begin in your skin’s layers, it can lead to cancer.

You can develop either basal, squamous cell or melanoma. Regardless of how you’ve allowed the sun to touch your skin up to now, you can still reverse some of the damage and protect yourself from skin cancer.

First, make sure that you always wear sunscreen outside. Pick a lotion or spray on sunscreen that’s at the minimum of SPF 15. Secondly, take off the dead skin cells.

Dead skin cells can accumulate and leave your skin looking weathered. You can take off dead skin cells by having an exfoliating regimen that you follow. Third, you can use creams that have hydroquinone to get rid of brown spots on your skin.

Fourth, make sure that you don’t allow yourself to become dehydrated. When you feel thirst, that’s a sign that your body is already mildly dehydrated. Becoming dehydrated is bad for your skin.

Finally, the reason that you want to treat your skin and reverse any signs of sun damage is because it will make it easier to notice areas that don’t look normal. You should see a dermatologist on a regular basis, but you should also do body checks to look for anything suspicious.

The American Academy of Dermatology has skin screening guidelines that you can follow. When checking spots or moles on your body, remember A, B, C, D, and E.

The A stands for asymmetry. If one side is different from the other side of a mole, that can be a sign of skin cancer. B is for border. If the border of a mole or spot doesn’t look well defined, it should be evaluated.

C is for color. If the color looks different (more than one shade) in a spot or mole, that can be a warning sign. D is for diameter. If it grows beyond the size of an eraser at the bottom of a pencil, get it checked out. E is for evolving. If you have a spot that’s changing in any way, get a dermatologist to look at it.

Reverse Aging for the Hands

People are usually faithful to take care of lines or wrinkles on their faces. But they usually don’t pay that much attention to what’s happening during aging for their hands.

That is, until the day that they suddenly notice that their hands are criss-crossed with numerous fine lines and age spots. You might not even realize that before your face will show any lines or wrinkles, you’ll see tell-tale warnings on your hands.

Faint lines will begin to appear on the backs of your hands that can be noticeable when you hold them straight out in a relaxed state. Your hands show aging quickly because you don’t have the same amount of fat in those areas that you have in other areas of the body. When you begin to lose collagen as you age, you can see that easier on the backs of the hands than anywhere else. Your hands need to have moisture in order to stay youthful looking.

But because your hands are constantly dealing with things – including being in and out of water numerous times a day – keeping that moisture balance can be tough to do.

What you can do to stop your hands from wrinkling as quickly is to make sure that you’re using products for your hands that are gentle for them. Look for cleansers and soaps that provide moisture rather than ones that are harsh and abrasive to your skin.

You want to seal the moisture in your hands by using a lotion that will act as a sealant. You can find these lotions by names such as Curel or Eucerin. Look for hand creams that will reduce fine lines and contain ingredients known to reverse wrinkles. Retinol Correxion is good for this.

You can also look for creams that use the word recovery or restorative in the label. These creams can reverse the skin damage that leads to fine lines and wrinkles.

Ensure You Have Lustrous Hair for Life

Many men and women past the age of fifty begin experiencing the effects of aging on hair. The effects can be graying, thinning, brittleness, and more. As the years go on, you may notice more hair in your brush than before.

You may also notice that your hair is drier and thinner. Although this happens to everyone as they age, there are things you can do to prevent it or reverse the effects.

Reversing Gray Hair

Most people notice their first gray or white hair by the time they’re in their thirties. At this young age, the color change isn’t readily noticeable unless you’re looking for these hairs.

By the time 40 rolls in, the gray will start to be more visible, often in closely clumped strands. There’s no definite cause of gray or white hair besides aging. Those with extremely great genes may be able to get into their late fifties or early sixties before showing the signs.

The reason that hair turns gray or white is because your body’s cells stop producing pigment. This happens naturally as you age. When the cells are producing pigment, it gives your hair its natural color.

There are also a few conditions that can lead to prematurely gray hair. Thyroid conditions like Grave’s disease and hyperthyroidism, among others, can give you gray hair.

Vitiligo is another condition that can cause prematurely gray hair. The condition causes your skin to lose melanocytes – which results in your skin having extremely light patches.

If you have a deficiency in vitamin B12, you can also experience gray hair earlier on in life. Smoking and early menopause can also be causes of prematurely gray hair.

As you get older, your body needs more nutrients and vitamins because it doesn’t hang onto them as long anymore. Deficiencies in vitamins A and B, as well as minerals like zinc, copper, and iron can cause gray hair.

Supplements may be needed not just for your hair, but your body as well. Diet and exercise may be part of reversing gray hair. When you eat fruits and vegetables like beets, tomatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, spinach, and sweet potatoes, they contain vitamins and nutrients that can protect your skin cells, resulting in the slowing of decreasing pigmentation.

Eating protein found in chicken helps produce melanin, which is the pigment that provides your hair with its natural color. Turkey, soy, and whole grains also produce melanin.

Exercise is also beneficial because it increases proper blood flow and circulation, both of which are needed to ensure that the nutrients and vitamins you’re consuming reach your skin and hair. Regularly massaging your scalp with oils can also be beneficial. If you want to reverse graying, you can try using Amla. This Indian gooseberry is one of the best and most trusted ways to prevent gray hair. You can make the paste on your own or buy it from a health and beauty store.

A less expensive treatment is to use coconut oil and lemon. Both of these treatments are used to strengthen the hair as well as keep the gray at bay.

Preventing Thinning and Balding

Hair thinning and hair loss usually occur in the late 40s and early 50s. If thinning and balding runs in your family, it can start even earlier than that. Although hair loss happens to almost everyone, there are things you can do to keep it at bay.

There are a few hormonal factors that can be the cause of hair loss. The most common types are male-pattern and female-pattern baldness. These are hereditary and can start as early as puberty.

Although it’s more common in men, women can experience it too. Other hormonal factors that can cause baldness can be linked to menopause, pregnancy, and childbirth.

When linked to pregnancy or childbirth, the baldness and thinning is almost always temporary. Skin disorders and scalp infections can cause baldness. If the baldness is linked to a scalp infection, curing the infection can allow the hair to grow back.

For a skin disorder, it would depend on the condition. Some conditions, like certain types of lupus, can cause scarring. When this happens, hair won’t grow back where the scars are.

Certain thyroid conditions can also be the culprit of thinness and balding. Because your thyroid glands help keep the hormones in your body regulated, a thyroid disease can cause hair loss.

There’s also a disease called alopecia areata, which is a condition where your immune system attacks your hair follicles. This results in smooth and round bald patches.

Medications that are used to treat cancer, depression, high blood pressure, heart problems, and more can be the cause of sudden hair loss. Certain hairstyles can also cause thinning.

If you wear your hair pulled tight, like in a braid or high ponytail, for a long period of time, the hair loss can be gradual. Your hair may also start thinning if you don’t have the proper nutrition your body needs. Every diet should have plenty of protein and iron. You also need vitamin C, omega-3 acids, and biotin (a B vitamin). Focus on foods, fruits, and vegetables that are high in these vitamins and nutrients.

When your diet is lacking important nutrients, your hair can thin. If you fix your diet, your hair will gain some of its body and thickness back. You may also want to consider taking supplements to prevent or slow down hair loss.

Look for supplements that contain biotin, vitamin C, inositol, and iron. Avoid subjecting your hair to frequent heating tools like flat irons, curling irons, hot rollers, and more.

Chemical treatments and dyeing the hair can also cause thinning. Use a mild shampoo in the shower and be gentle when you wash your hair. Instead of rubbing your hair dry with a towel, pat it dry.

Rubbing it can cause breakage in your hair. Refrain from using a brush when you have a tangle. Work it out with your fingers and then smooth it with a brush. Your fingers are gentler and will cause less breakage than a brush.

If you want medication or treatments for your hair thinning or loss, there are a few that may be able to help. Rogaine, used by both men and women, is one of the most popular medications for hair loss.

Rogaine is sprayed onto the head twice a day and helps to stop hair loss. Another medication, Propecia, is an oral drug. It’s not recommended for those who are attempting to conceive children.

There are also other options such as hair transplants. During this procedure, a few hairs at a time are transported. The results are natural looking hair that appears full. This procedure is usually done for male-pattern baldness.

Getting Rid of Coarseness

Coarse hair is the opposite of thinning hair. It’s actually strong and very tough. It’s often hard to style and feels rough to the touch. It’s hard to treat with beauty and hair care products. Coarse hair usually tangles easily and is very thick.

Like graying and thinning hair, coarseness can be caused by a number of factors, including a poor diet. The proper vitamins and nutrients are needed to keep your hair not only looking, but also feeling healthy.

If you have an under-active thyroid, that can be the cause of coarse hair. The reason is because the thyroid glands aren’t producing the hormones your hair needs to keep its softness and natural feel, resulting in a tough feel.

Split ends and breakage are also factors that can cause coarse hair. It’s important that you get your hair trimmed every six weeks to prevent split ends. The ends of your hair are the first to begin to feel tough and coarse. The longer you let them grow, the worse they’ll get.

One of the main causes in the development of coarse hair is the slowing of sebum production as you age. This causes the elasticity of the hair to lesson so that’s the culprit behind losing the softer feel.

Try using an organic shampoo because it helps make your hair softer. Refrain from washing your hair every day. Many shampoos strip your hair of essential oils and more that gives your hair its natural shine and feel.

Consider using shampoos that contain vitamin E, to give your hair back some of its body without making the coarseness worse. If store bought conditioners don’t work for you, try massaging a small amount of coconut oil into your hair.

It should be done when your hair is slightly damp, but not dripping. The oil will relax your hair and make it feel softer. During cold weather, make sure you keep your hair protected from the elements. During the winter, the air is dry, which will only make coarse hair worse. Use a relaxer or conditioner in the morning to help soften hair.

Maintaining Your Mobility as You Age

As you age, mobility can become an issue as your body goes through various changes. Some people simply resign themselves to aches and pains as well as the challenges that come along with limited movement.

However, just because something is said to happen as you age, doesn’t mean that you have to put up with it or that you can’t reverse the effects.

Defeating Stiffness as You Age

Don’t automatically presume that the stiffness you feel as you move is just part of getting older. There can be many causes that can lead to stiffness. It can be a lack of regular exercise or an ailment such as arthritis.

You might start to notice how that when you start to get up from a chair or get out of bed in the mornings, you’re moving slower than you always have before. When you remain in one position or you don’t move for a period of time, muscles can stiffen up regardless of how old you are.

Plus, as you age, your body simply doesn’t bounce back when it comes to muscles. They don’t move as quickly and they don’t heal as quickly.  This stiffness that you feel isn’t actually due to the muscles that you’re finding difficult to move.

It’s caused because of the connective tissues. These tissues start to wear down as you grown older. This is what impairs your flexibility when you go to move. It’s why you don’t bend as easily or get up as easily when you do bend.

To compound the problem, when we do get stiff, we tend to slow down and kind of baby the area that’s stiff. That’s the worst thing in the world to do. Because keeping the area still and giving it limited movement leads to more stiffness and more limited movement.

The best thing that you can do for any kind of stiffness is to stay active. Your body needs movement in order to keep all the muscles, connective tissues and joints in good working condition.

On the same note, however, if you’re trying to do too much, you can overextend your body’s ability to heal muscles and ligaments. When you get too much exercise, you can end up limiting your mobility.

The best thing to do for mobility is to lead an active life from your younger years on up.  But if you’ve already reached the point of experiencing stiffness, there are some things that you can do to reverse it.

You need to do what’s called range of motion exercises. This simply means that you move your body through a range of motions to keep it limbered up. There are also gentle aerobic exercise and yoga that can reverse stiffness. Many people have also found benefit in using strengthening exercises.

Say Goodbye to Aches and Pains

Having aches and pains is no more inevitable as you grow older as the odds of getting any other ailment. In fact, many older people believe that developing aches and pains is a sign of age progression and they put up with it.

But the truth is that aches and pains do not go hand in hand with getting older. There are too many people that put up with aches and pains they don’t have to put up with simply because they don’t realize that are other options that they can turn to.

There are many options you can go with ranging from preventative to restoring good health. If you’re experiencing aches and pains, it’s a wakeup call that your body is sending trying to let you know that something needs to be done.

If any aches and pains are persistent and last longer than two to three weeks, you should always have those checked out by your doctor.  If you’re like most people, you look for ways to remedy these aches and pains that can sometimes interfere with your life.

You may not even realize that instead of just treating them, you can get rid of them once they’re properly diagnosed. Feeling back pain or joints that ache aren’t normal.

These are clues that you could be dealing with something like arthritis. There are many different kinds of arthritis – some more disabling than other types of this condition.

The one that’s most commonly associated with getting older is called osteoarthritis. This type happens as you get older simply because of the length of years the joints and cartilage have been used.

This type of arthritis is usually dismissed as a common sign of aging, so it often goes untreated and then gets worse. It can reach the stage so that it severely limits your mobility.

You can suspect this type of arthritis if you experience stiffness when you move – especially if it’s in the mornings after waking. There are many ways this can be treated and the aches and pains dealt with.

One of the solutions is taking anti-inflammatory medications that can cut down on the swelling caused by inflammation. Some people turn to alternative medicines for treating aches and pains and find that these herbal remedies work wonders for them.

Others use acupuncture, yoga or some form of meditation. The key to preventing aches and pains is in eating right and maintaining an active lifestyle. If you were not an active person before you started getting older, that doesn’t mean you can’t choose to start today to change that.

Age should never be a deterrent that holds you back from doing what you want to do with your life. It should also never be a factor when you have aches and pains.

Avoiding Fractures from Falls

You have to be careful as you grow older because it’s possible that your bones can become more brittle. So that means when you do have a fall, you’re much more likely to fracture a bone.

Though you’ll hear a lot of advice telling you to stay active and make sure that you exercise as you age, it’s truly one of the best things that you can do to avoid fractures

The reason that it helps is because exercise helps you improve how fast you can react to an unexpected situation. These sharper reflexes can help you to catch yourself when you stumble.

Many people don’t realize that just like the need to keep your muscles fit through exercise, your bones get that same benefit. The more you use them, the stronger they become.

When your bones are tougher, the odds are greater that if you do fall, you won’t end up getting a fracture. You need to make sure that you’re doing everything that you can to keep your bones strong.

This includes exercise and a healthy diet. You want to eat a diet that’s rich in foods that help keep bones strong. Taking multivitamins and making sure you get the right amount of vitamin D will also be helpful.

Calcium is known to strengthen bones – and the stronger your bones are, the better off you’ll be as you age. So you can protect your bones on the inside, but you can also protect them on the outside as well.

Over a quarter million older people fracture a hip in a fall. New studies have shown that wearing hip protectors can help prevent these fractures. Hip protectors are undergarments made with special thick padding on the sides that are meant to absorb the brunt of a fall. They can reduce the odds of ending up with a hip fracture by more than fifty percent.

You can also be prone to fall if you have balance problems. Balance problems can be tied to medications like high blood pressure medicines or to conditions such as inner ear problems.

Dizziness can make you prone to falling and poor vision can also contribute to falls that lead to fractures. If you do happen to fall, the way that you land can work to prevent you from developing a fracture.

Try to not take a fall on your hip. This is generally where many older people end up getting hurt. They fracture or even break their hip. If you do take a fall and you’ve pitched forward, try to take the brunt of the fall on your knees.

Your knees are tougher than other bones and can take a brunt impact without fracturing like other bones will. For falls that pull you backward, try to keep your hands from bracing yourself even though this is a natural instinct.

Bend your torso slightly forward and allow your buttocks to take the brunt of the fall. The leaning forward motion will prevent you from putting the force of the fall onto your tailbone. Though you may bruise, you won’t fracture anything if you let your rear support the fall.

Watch Your Gait to Keep Mobility

As you get older, your gait can change. This can be from medications, from previous bone fractures or other causes. Some older people don’t lift their foot as high so they end up developing a shuffling gait.

This makes it far too easy to catch a foot on something and pitch forward. When you’re older and fall, it can be detrimental to your mobility – even if all you do is end up with some bruising.

Sometimes when you get older, you may start to drag a foot a beat behind as you walk. To fix most gait issues, you need to concentrate on preventative measures.

Make sure that your floors aren’t polished so much that they’re slippery. Get rid of any rugs that have a tendency to life up on any end. If you have rugs that you don’t want to part with, make sure that they’re secured down firmly.

When you’re walking around inside your house, don’t wear slipper socks or any shoes that are slippery on the bottom. When you go outside of your home, wear shoes that have good grips on the bottoms of them and get rid of any shoes where the sole has become worn down.

Get any loose carpet seams repaired – especially if you have a two story home and the carpet seams are near the top of the stairs. Make sure that you have handrails where needed.

When getting in and out of the shower, use handrails. Also make sure that your bathtub has a slip proof bathmat adhered to the bottom of the tub. One of the best things that you can do to keep a strong gait and even reverse a bad gait as you age is to get moving.

You can keep a strong gait by engaging in activities like walking or dancing. You can also get involved with yoga or other mobility practices. For people who have already begun to experience problems with their gait, you can learn how to do gait exercises.

Doing this at least twice a week will improve your body’s ability to balance itself. These exercises are great for improving stiffness as well as gaits where one foot slightly drags.

The exercises are specifically designed to strengthen the muscles that help you walk – including hip and calf muscles.

Keeping Your Mood Levels Elevated

As you age, your mood can be affected. Some moods are known to go hand in hand with aging, but there are many circumstances that you can encounter that can cause changes in your mood.

Although mood changes can be linked to circumstances, they don’t have to be. Many seniors experience mood changes including depression and anger. They also experience trouble with socialization. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to help lift your mood.

Depression Is Common as You Age

No matter what the circumstances, millions of people deal with depression every year. There are plenty of seniors who experience it as well. Depression can be brought on by several things – such as children leaving the home or what’s commonly known as the empty nest syndrome.

Certain milestone birthdays can make you feel depressed and so can starting retirement. It can also be brought on by health issues such as physical limitations due to age or mobility issues like having to use a walker or a cane. It can also be the result of the death of a spouse.

The signs of depression may not always be obvious or recognizable. The biggest symptom of depression is a sadness that simply won’t go away for the long term. You can also experience fatigue or lose pleasure in doing your favorite hobbies.

Withdrawal from social activities can also be a symptom of depression. Other symptoms include the loss of appetite, weight loss, and trouble sleeping. If you have a medical condition or disease, it can sometimes lead to depression.

Cancer, arthritis, stroke, lupus, and Parkinson’s disease are some of the biggest causes of depression in older people because this is the time of life when we start to focus on our mortality.

Other conditions that can lead to depression are dementia, diabetes, heart disease, and thyroid disorders. Whatever the cause of your depression is, there are things you can do to help ease it.

When you’re depressed, you may not want to spend time with anyone else – but that may be exactly what you need to do to help yourself. If you’re not ready to be around others, find an activity you can do that you find pleasure in.

If you’ve lost your love for certain hobbies then find new ones. Doing puzzles, taking care of animals, and painting or drawing are all great options if you want to be alone.

Along with a hobby, exercise is another way to reverse the depression. Exercise boosts endorphins, which are the hormones that tell your body to feel good. Exercise can be beneficial for both your body and your mind.

When dealing with depression, it’s always a good idea to not keep a lot of free time on your hands. When you’re busy, you have a lesser chance of dwelling on things that are bothering you or upsetting you.

Make a habit of meeting up with friends or family. If you don’t live close enough to meet up frequently, find something else to take part in, like volunteering at an animal shelter or nonprofit organization.

For many people, a big factor of depression is feeling useless or worthless. When you volunteer at an organization where you contribute, it can make you feel better.

Another important step is avoiding things that you know make you feel depressed. For example, if you’ve lost a loved one recently, you may need to avoid going to places that remind you of him or her.

These triggers can leave you feeling worse. If the depression continues to persist, you need to discuss it with your doctor or a qualified therapist.

The Importance of Socialization

As you get older, you may notice a decline in your socialization. This can be brought on for a variety of reasons. If you have to use a walker or cane, you may be even less inclined to go out for fear of falls.

Although it may be hard to get around, especially if you’re living with a chronic or debilitating medical condition, being out of the house and among other people is important for your health, spirit, and mind.

Being isolated can lead to or worsen depression and feelings of uselessness. If you’re experiencing those, it’s a good time to get out of your house and be around others.

Letting go of a social life isn’t usually a deliberate act. A social life can begin to decline when your spouse becomes ill, or when you no longer have the ability to drive.

As you age, your social contacts start to diminish, leading to a smaller social life. The drift can start before you even realize it. There are plenty of ways that you can be around others.

You can take a college course you’ve always wanted to take – or an art class. You can also learn a foreign language. Get into reading and visit the library frequently.

Another important part about socialization is being around a group of people that are similar to you. You can join groups such as churches or civic organizations to meet other people.

You may also want to look into getting a part time job or joining an outdoor hiking group if you can handle that physically. Find out what social groups are in your town or city and join some of them.

The importance of socialization may not seem obvious, but it’s needed in every life. Socialization helps to form a sense of belonging as well as a sense of purpose.

Strengthening existing relationships or making new friends can be great for your mind and soul. Socialization also increases your self-esteem and self-confidence. If you take up volunteering at a shelter or organization, you don’t only feel a sense of belonging, but you also feel needed.

Volunteering is a great reason to get up and go every day. You may also notice that your physical and mental health improve the more active and engaged you are.

When you spend your time supporting others and others support you, it boosts  your sense of well-being. When you have higher self-esteem, it leads to a more positive outlook on life.

You’re less likely to experience depression as you age when you’re involved in things. Seek out weekly activities that can be done with others but don’t stick with an activity or group that you don’t like.

This will only give you a more negative outlook on life and can lead to a feeling of loneliness. Look for activities or programs that can help boost your emotional, physical, intellectual, social and spiritual needs. If one activity can’t meet all the needs, find two or three that can be done throughout the week.

Dealing with Anger and Anxiety as You Age

A common mood change in older people is a tendency toward feeling anger. Even if you weren’t prone to anger in your younger years, age can often intensify certain feelings.

You may find yourself getting irritated with kids or loud noises in a way you haven’t before. Some of this anger can be rooted in the need to speak your mind and can cause you to feel intolerant of things that don’t make sense or cause your time to be wasted.

This may be due to people becoming less sensitive as they age. If you live alone, you may have a way for doing things that other people don’t have. An intolerance for others and their mistakes can grow over time, especially if you don’t notice it or no one says anything about it.

Anger can also come from deeper problems, like struggling from a medical condition, feelings of isolation, and depression. If you have to have help doing daily activities that you’ve never needed help with before, you may also experience anger because no one likes to feel dependant on anyone else.

The increasing inability to live the way you want to can even lead to hostility. Although expressing your anger may not be something you’re used to, internalizing it can be dangerous.

Keeping your anger bottled up inside can lead to bitterness, resentment, and depression. If you don’t feel like you can talk to your family about it, find a close friend. If that won’t work, professional help may be needed.

You can also relieve your anger by doing a physical activity if you’re able to such as walking, jogging, or playing a sport. Find something you can do whenever you get angry that allows you to vent and you’ll find you have a more positive outlook on life.

Another problem older people may face besides anger is dealing with anxiety. Feeling nervous and anxious is common as you grow older. Your body is changing, your family is changing, and your life is changing.

It’s normal to feel anxiety over new interactions, newly diagnosed medical conditions, and new relationships. Although anxiety is normal, it should also be controllable.

Having anxiety that runs your life can be dangerous and detrimental to your mental health. Anxiety can cause feelings of dread, fear, and apprehension to things or places that pose no real threat.

As you age, you may begin having fears of medical conditions, growing apart from your kids, an inability to afford living expenses, being dependent on someone else, and death.

It’s normal to be apprehensive of these and they are major changes in your life. However, there are ways that you can overcome your anxiety. Find things you can do instead of focusing on these things you’re worrying about.

Find an activity that will keep your mind occupied. If you can’t get the worry to go away, do something that will help ease your mind. For example, if you’re worried about money, sit down with a financial planner and see what can be done.

Stay away from negativity, whether from books, newspapers, or people in your life. When you’re surrounded by negativity, it can be harder to keep your outlook positive.

You should also look into talking to a trusted family member or friend about what’s going on and why you’re worried. Prayer, meditation, and yoga are all great stress management techniques you should look into because they can help you release anxiety.

Keep Control of Your Weight as You Age

If you look around at older people, you may notice that a good bit of them happen to carry some extra weight. You’ll see many men with beer bellies and many women with a lot of extra padding on the abdomen.

It’s true that some of this is caused by aging because your metabolism does slow down as you get older, but if you’re prepared for that, you really don’t have to put up with weight gain.

You don’t want your weight to get out of control as you get older because it can lead to all sorts of health problems. Some weight gain is caused because of medical issues, body changes, or nutrition and exercise plans that just don’t meet your needs.

Menopause Gain Can Be Reversed

There’s a reason that women gain weight once they go through menopause. This weight gain is caused by the way the hormone balances have changed. But because menopause can also increase the risk of certain cancers, it’s vital that you do reverse any weight that you gain during this period of your life.

Gaining weight during menopause can also contribute to the development of diabetes and you don’t want to have to deal with this disease. The main hormone loss that causes weight gain after menopause is estrogen.

When you have a lesser amount of estrogen, it can trigger an impulse within your body to make you want to consume more calories. This lack of estrogen also plays into how well your metabolism works so you end up holding onto more fat than you do burning it.

This in turn contributes to the weight gain. The reason that menopause can be a jumpstart that can cause diabetes is because losing estrogen can cause insulin resistance.

Menopause is a time in life when you feel less like exercising than ever before and yet need it so much more. Some exercises are better at helping you reverse the weight gain that you put on because of menopause. Aerobics is one of the best exercises that you can do to get rid of the weight.

This exercise can be low-impact – but it gets your heart pumping and can jumpstart the weight loss. You’ll want to engage in exercise at least three times a week for about twenty minutes at a time.

Now what some women do is fall into the belief that because they’re exercising, this means that they can up their calorie intake. But the problem with that way of thinking is that while exercise does normally allow you to eat more calories and not gain, it can be different with menopause.

Because of how it affects your metabolism, if you exercise and still eat the same way you’ve always eaten, you may not lose weight. What you have to do is to shed some of your calories.

Because of the way the hormones are acting up after menopause, the last thing you might feel like doing is giving up any of your favorite foods. In order to lose any weight gained, you’ll have to either cut down the portion sizes of what you’re normally eating and still exercise or you’ll need to eat foods that are low calorie and will help you lose weight.

Many women find that when they switch to a healthier way of eating and get more active with aerobic exercising that they feel better all over. Besides making sure that you exercise and eat well, you might find it helpful to find a support system.

That’s because menopause can cause all kinds of emotional swings that are linked to the hormones changing. It can help to walk through this stage of your life with someone else who understands.

Eating the Right Nutrition as You Age Can Stop Weight Gain

It’s no secret that you have to eat a variety of foods including a lot of fruits and vegetables if you want to help keep your body as healthy as it can be. It’s true that exercise is beneficial to your health, but what you eat is something you should always pay attention to, especially as you age because your diet is what will keep you fit enough to be able to be active.

When you get older, your body doesn’t hold on to important vitamins and nutrients the way that it did when you were younger. Your body needs extra calcium, vitamins A and C, iron, and fiber.

Not only do these help keep you healthy, but calcium is needed for strong bones, which is important the older you get because you need it to help prevent fractures.

As you age, you need to keep an eye on what you eat and make sure you have the right nutrients in your everyday diet. If you’re uncertain about whether or not you’re receiving the right amount of nutrition, there are some symptoms you should be on the lookout for.

The first and most prominent warning sign of poor nutrition is having constant fatigue. When your body doesn’t get the right vitamins and nutrients it needs, it’s not going to work as fast and it won’t be able to work as hard.

Without certain vitamins, your blood flow and circulation can slow down, making you tired quicker. You can even feel run down and achy because your muscles aren’t getting what they need.

Another symptom of an unbalanced diet is dry or brittle hair. When you’re not eating the proper vitamins, your hair doesn’t get the minerals that it needs to grow and remain naturally soft. Protein is important to the growth of your hair so if you’re not eating the right protein, your hair isn’t getting it, either.

You may also experience a lack of appetite as you grow older. When you age, your taste buds can lose sensitivity. And if you’ve become less active the older you get, there’s a big chance you don’t eat as much as you used to because you’re not as hungry.

If you have a chronic lack of appetite, it can be a big sign that you’re not getting the nutrients you need. Any time you notice having a lack of appetite, you should speak with your doctor or a nutritionist about it.

Along with eating the right vitamins and nutrients, you need to cut back on food in your diet that may be unhealthy for you. For example, substituting fruits and vegetables for potato chips cuts out several calories.

Stick to drinking water, juice, and milk and steer clear of soft drinks or heavily caffeinated beverages. Also keep in mind that as you age, your body may naturally lose energy and your metabolism will slow down.

You can help out by doing some form of exercise every day and eating the right foods. Don’t eat when you’re not hungry but don’t go without foods for long periods of time. If you’re never hungry enough for a regular sized meal during the day, try eating four to five small meals throughout the day.

Why Exercise Is Right for You as You Age

There seems to be a myth that older people should stick to more sedentary exercises. It’s become somewhat of a tradition for older people to bow out of doing what they once did when they were younger.

Health issues can force some older people to withdraw – but that doesn’t mean that you have to give up exercising completely. In fact, not exercising is one of the worst things that you can do as you grow older because exercising can actually reverse the aging process for your body.

You could be giving up exactly what can bring you the most benefit. Exercise can strengthen your bones and help you have better balance. It can also improve the way that your brain functions.

A University of Cambridge study performed with mice discovered that exercising caused new cells to grow that boosted the memory function. Besides helping older people have better brain function, exercise also gave them a better muscle mass.

This enabled them to remain stronger and have the ability to continue to be active and do the things that they enjoyed doing. When you improve your muscle mass, you’ll improve your flexibility and be able to move easier. This helps to fight against stiffness as well as joint pain.

Exercise also adds strength to the bones. This is especially important for women. When you go through menopause, you can lose certain minerals that protect your bones.

You’re more likely to experience a fracture or break during a fall because of how menopause affects your bones. By exercising, you build bone strength and you counteract this loss.

For men, exercising can help give strength to your bones that will help you win in the battle against osteoporosis. Remaining involved in exercise also strengthens the heart muscle and reduces age related risks that can cause heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.

It also keeps cholesterol and blood pressure levels within normal range. But it can also improve glucose tolerance and lower the risk of developing diabetes. When you exercise, you reap emotional benefits as well. It can help stave off depression and other moods associated with aging.

Make Sure You Retain Your Short and Long-Term Memories

As you get older, your memory isn’t going to respond as quickly when you search your brain for information. This is normal and isn’t necessarily anything that should cause you any anxiety.

This is simply forgetfulness and it just happens. But there are things that can affect the memory that you should pay attention to if you start experiencing any symptoms associated with them.

Recognizing Signs of Dementia

Dementia is a condition that goes much deeper than any temporary forgetfulness. This is a long term condition that can cause older people to act completely opposite a way that they’ve been like their whole lives.

It can cause someone who was always calm to become agitated. It can cause someone who was always so meticulous about their personal hygiene and their financial life to suddenly show signs of not taking care of either.

People that have dementia can’t always make sense when they try to speak or to think about a situation. That’s because something has affected their brain’s ability to function.

Dementia is usually brought on by the appearance of another medical condition. The major sign that someone has dementia is that anything other than simple conversations and doing simple things becomes too hard for them to manage.

Each case of dementia can be at different levels and should be treated with the individual’s symptoms in mind. Not only can dementia be treated, but the symptoms associated with it can be reversed.

Since dementia is a by-product of another medical condition, you’ll want to get checked for the possibility that you have something contributing to the cause of dementia.

Certain nutritional deficiencies can cause you to mimic the signs of dementia – such as a deficiency of Vitamin B12. Problems with the adrenal glands can do the same.

If your body’s metabolic system is out of whack, it can cause confusion, forgetfulness and brain fog, all of which are often associated with dementia. Thyroid problems and low blood sugar can also mimic dementia.

In the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal, there was a study published which showed that people having hypoglycemia stood a greater risk of developing dementia.

This is low blood sugar and it can cause cognitive problems if it’s a long term health issue. Some people are confused as to the inclusion of other symptoms and dementia.

Dementia does not include other symptoms such as losing the ability to control one’s bowels or chronic short term memory loss. This could be a sign of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus which has symptoms that can mimic not only dementia but Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease as well.

NPH is often mistakenly attributed to dementia in older people. What you can do about dementia is to visit the doctor and have your genes tested to see if you have the gene APOE e4.

This gene can be identified to help your doctor stave off dementia. If correctly identified, you can begin an individualized treatment plan including but not limited to nutrition, treating inflammations and deficiencies. Individualized treatment can help to reverse dementia.

New Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease

Most people associate Alzheimer’s Disease as being a disease that affects someone’s memory. They believe that this is often the first sign that someone has the condition.

But memory loss is not always the first sign. There are other signs that can determine the presence of this disease. Irritability, anxiousness, confusion and depression are common moods associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Because of the way that their moods are changing, people in the early onset of this disease prefer to be around familiar people and places. The disease causes people to forget things, people and places and leaves them with the inability to retrieve this information from their brain at a later time.

It can also cause people to become isolated as they avoid doing things they used to love to do. They can struggle to keep up with their financial obligations or show signs that they can’t remember how to follow simple instructions.

People showing signs of this disease can forget where they are, who they are and who their loved ones and friends are. They may lose the ability to speak words they once knew.

Their decision-making skills become impaired and they become suspicious of others if they misplace something. Alzheimer’s Disease is caused by plaque building up on the brain and this buildup can easily be identified on brain scans.

These plaques on the brain are responsible for causing the thinking impairment and changes in behavior in people with Alzheimer’s. However, a recent study done by Lancaster University has shown a lot of promise in reversing Alzheimer’s and the effects the disease has on the brain.

In this study, the drug Liraglutide, which is commonly used to help people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, was shown to reduce plaque on the brain. The study, performed on mice, also showed that it was possible the drug could turn back the memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.

There are many things you can do to maintain your memories. Playing games that require brain strength help fortify your mental health. Puzzles and games such as Sudoku are perfect, as are many strategy games – board games or online.

If you’ve ever wanted to engage in a hobby, pick one that has you learning new skills or information. Learn a second language, or instance – this keeps your mind sharp and your memories intact longer.

Staving Off Disease So You Live a Longer, Healthier Life

Diseases can be common at any age, but older people are prone to get certain diseases that are commonly associated with aging. While aging does make you more likely to develop some types of diseases like cancer or diabetes, you can prevent or even reverse the damage done.

5 Common Cancers You Should Know About as You Age

Your cancer risk increases drastically as you age. It’s important that you be aware of the most common types of cancer and how to prevent them. One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to practice reversal.

Specifically, reversal of free radical damage. Antioxidants, like vitamin E, are known to prevent and even reverse these effects. Foods that contain vitamin E include spinach, nuts, broccoli, and many types of seeds are examples of this.

You can get vitamin E in supplement form to make sure you’re getting enough of this nutrient. By reversing the free radical damage in your body, you can reduce the chances that you’ll ever go on to develop cancer.

Colon cancer is the first type of cancer that you should know about. This type of cancer is found in the rectum and colon. If you have a family history of polyps or colon cancer, then you’ll want to look for signs like rectal bleeding, narrow stools or other bowel changes, constipation, and abdominal pain.

To prevent colon cancer, eat a diet rich in fiber and try to avoid animal fats. You should also get your daily dose of Vitamin C, another antioxidant that can reverse free radical damage.

Cervical cancer is the second type of cancer to keep an eye out for. This cancer is a result of the human papilloma virus or HPV. The virus can be transmitted during sexual activity.

Since not everyone with HPV has symptoms, you may never know you’re infected until you develop cervical cancer. Smoking raises your chances of developing cervical cancer and it also puts more free radicals in your body. To decrease your chances of cancer, stop smoking.

You should also know about breast cancer. This type of cancer is often thought of as a woman’s cancer. But men can develop breast cancer as well. Symptoms to be aware of are a lump in your breast, nipple discharge, and a change in one or both of your breasts. You can prevent breast cancer by taking it easy on the alcohol and avoiding hormone therapy for prolonged periods of time.

Next on the list of cancers common as you grow older is prostate cancer. This type of cancer often brings symptoms like urinary problems, blood in your urine, bone pain, and erectile dysfunction.

Besides making sure you get enough antioxidants, you should also eat plenty of omega-3 fatty acids like the ones founds in salmon, cauliflower, walnuts, and sardines.

Skin cancer is another disease you can get as you age. One of the top causes of skin cancer is too much exposure to UV rays. If you’ve had a severe sunburn or are fair-skinned, your chances of developing this cancer go up.

What you can do is to treat your skin well now. Always remember to wear sunscreen and try to avoid direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day.

What You Need to Know to Reverse Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas. When you eat food, your pancreas naturally releases insulin. This insulin helps your body balance your blood sugar level.

If your pancreas is diseased, it may not be able to release as much insulin as you need or it may not release any insulin. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes happens when your pancreas can’t produce any insulin.

People who have type one often have to give themselves shots of insulin to help their body regulate their blood sugar levels. In people with Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces some but not all of the insulin the body needs.

Both types of diabetes require you to carefully monitor your blood sugar level. If your level gets too low or too high, you won’t feel your best and you can develop other health issues as well.

There are medications available to people with either form of diabetes. However, research has shown that you can reverse the effects of diabetes. One of these ways is through weight loss.

While anyone can develop diabetes, you’re more likely to have the condition if you’re already overweight. Losing weight helps take some of the strain off your pancreas.

Watching what you eat can also help you. Your goal should be to keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day. You don’t want your sugar level to spike too high or drop too low.

Some people with diabetes have found that they can reverse the disease by avoiding snacks and meals high in carbohydrates. There are two types of carbohydrates and those are fast acting carbs and slow acting carbs.

You can find fast acting carbs in many popular junk foods. If a food contains white flour or high amounts of sugar, it’s probably a fast acting carb. These types of carbs often give you a sugar rush and provide a temporary amount of energy thanks to a spike in your blood sugar level.

There are also slow acting carbs. These carbs are much better for your body because they release slowly over time and don’t cause sudden sugar spikes. If you’re looking for some slow acting carbs, reach for black beans, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.

Are You At Risk for Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a medical condition that causes the bones in your body to become thin. As you age, your bones naturally thin due to density loss. But with osteoporosis, your bones become thinner beyond what’s normal.

This makes you susceptible to fractured or broken bones. There are some things that make you more likely to develop osteoporosis. One of those things is a family history of the condition.

Another is your frame. People with a small frame are more likely to develop osteoporosis. But there are things that you can do to prevent and even reverse the signs of osteoporosis.

You need to start by getting enough calcium. Your doctor can perform a blood test to monitor the levels of calcium in your body and this is something you may want to have done anyway as you grow older.

Because it’s better to prevent than try to reverse a condition. If you have too little, you may need to take a calcium supplement. You can also find calcium in dairy foods like milk and cheese but you need more than calcium for strong bones.

You also need plenty of vitamin D. Like calcium, your doctor can check your level of this vitamin. Without enough of it, your body may not fully absorb the calcium your bones need.

You can get vitamin D from sun exposure and from the foods you eat. Foods that are high in this vitamin are tofu, fish, ham, oysters, mushrooms, and eggs. If you find that you need a lot of vitamin D, choose fish like caviar or sushi.

Some people would rather take supplements to make sure that they get enough. You can find this vitamin at a vitamin shop or health food store. You can also try Cod Liver Oil, which is high in both vitamin D and vitamin A.

Exercise is a good idea for people with osteoporosis. Regular exercise can help keep your bones healthy. It also improves your balance. If you have good balance, you’re less likely to fall and injure yourself.

Professionals usually recommend that people with osteoporosis start with simple exercises like walking. As you start to gain endurance, you’ll want to add strength training to your routine.

You don’t have to get a membership to your local gym to work out – nor do you need dumbbells. You can start weight lifting by using household objects like full water bottles.

People with osteoporosis also need to develop their flexibility. There are many types of exercise that can help you do this. Look for exercises like yoga and pilates.

You can’t build back up your bone density by doing these exercises. But exercise regimens focused on flexibility will help you with balance issues so you’ll be less likely to experience a fall.

Some people can experience a thinning of their bones due to a medication side effect. Anti-seizure medications, steroids, and proton pump inhibitors can cause you to lose bone density. Make sure you tell your doctor if you’re using these medications and begin showing signs of osteoporosis.

Three Things You Can Do to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

After your brain, your heart is one of your most important organs. It’s a pumping machine that constantly directs blood to your vital organs. If your heart is damaged due to heart disease, your whole body will feel the effects of that damage.

Living with heart disease can make you feel fatigued, short of breath, weak, and dizzy. You may also experience chest pain. You may feel like your heart is beating irregularly. The beat can feel too fast or too slow depending on what your normal heart rate is.

Like many diseases, heart disease can be prevented – and even if you’ve already been diagnosed, some doctors believe heart disease can be reversed. There are steps you can take to help your heart stay healthy longer.

Whether you’re looking to prevent or reverse heart disease, the first thing you should do is change your eating habits if you don’t eat right. You need to remove red meat, junk food, and fatty foods from your diet. These foods are often high in saturated fats.

Saturated fats raise your level of cholesterol. Cholesterol is the plaque that builds up in your arteries. This plaque makes it hard for the blood to flow smoothly in and out of your heart. The result is that your heart is working overtime constantly.

You can reverse the damage caused by the plaque buildup in your arteries by eating foods that lower your cholesterol level. Foods that you want to focus on are tea, spinach, nuts, avocados, and garlic. All of these lower levels of your bad cholesterol and some of them even raise your levels of good cholesterol.

The second thing you can do to prevent or reverse heart disease is to limit your alcohol intake and stop smoking. Both smoking and drinking can cause or worsen your heart disease. If you can’t stop completely, try to cut back or switch to a healthier alternative.

A study performed on reversing coronary atherosclerosis showed that people that change their lives with healthy eating plans as well as exercising, could reverse the effects of coronary heart disease.

Another thing you can do is to get enough sleep. If you’re always tired in the mornings or can’t get through the day without a fifteen-minute nap, then you’re not getting enough sleep. Besides leading to obesity, a lack of sleep makes it harder for your immune system and your vital organs to function well.

Aging doesn’t have to be a process that you simply surrender to. Instead of waving a white flag and accepting your fate, start fighting back with good nutrition, ample exercise and hygiene routines that erase damage and restore your body to its peak condition.


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