Avoid These Common Depression Triggers

Avoid These Common Depression Triggers

If you suffer from depression, you probably get worsening episodes during certain times. This is often due to experiencing a depression trigger. This can be a situation, event, person, or feeling that leads to your depression. Here are some common depression triggers to try and avoid.


A very common depression trigger to be aware of is stress or the feeling of being overwhelmed. It is not uncommon for mental health conditions, like stress and anxiety, to be a big trigger for depression. If you have been under a lot of stress lately, you should know that it could eventually lead to an increase in your depressive episodes. Try to manage your stress in order to avoid this trigger. Look for natural ways to relieve your stress that also help with depression at the same time, such as aromatherapy, taking a hot bath, or getting some exercise.

Sexual Issues

Having sexual problems can actually be a major trigger for depression. This can be related to a lot of different sexual issues, from infrequent sexual activity due to lack of a relationship, to a loss of sexual function or libido. If you feel that your sex life is not currently fulfilling, speak to a doctor about possible medical causes for this. It might be related to a medical condition that can be treated, thus helping your sex life and helping to reduce depressive episodes at the same time.

Drugs and Alcohol

If you are someone that has depression, you should try to reduce your alcohol and drug use as much as possible. While drinking casual might seem harmless and even help your depression temporarily, it is not going to last and can actually make it worse. Stimulants are typically depressants, which means you get a short-lived peak in your mood, but then a much larger low after you sober up. This is why it seems like there is a correlation between having a hangover and being depressed. It is not the hangover, but the fact that alcohol itself was causing you to be triggered for depression.

Empty Nest

Empty nest syndrome is often more serious than people think. If you recently had your children move out of your home, it can create a feeling of loneliness and confusion. Suddenly you have nobody to take care of, and your loud, social home is much quieter. For some, this is peaceful, and for others, it starts to trigger their depression. Consider having more social gatherings at home, getting out of the house more, or even getting a pet.

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