BOSU Lower Back Exercises

BOSU Lower Back Exercises

These lower back exercises are perfect for strengthening your core, preventing lower back pain and maintaining good posture. Incorporate them into your weekly workout routine to keep your lower back strong and supple.

1. Alternating Lower Back Extensions

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Lie forwards on the BOSU ball with your arms stretched out straight in front of you and your legs stretched out straight behind you.
  2. Simultaneously raise your right arm and your left leg off the ground until they can’t go any higher.
  3. Lower your right arm and your left leg back onto the ground.
  4. Simultaneously raise your left arm and your right leg off the ground until they can’t go any higher.
  5. Lower your left arm and your right leg back onto the ground.
  6. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  7. Place your feet on the ground, get off the BOSU ball and stand up to complete the exercise.

2. Hip Extensions

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Lie down and place your feet on the BOSU ball with your knees bent and your hands by your butt.
  2. Slowly raise your hips towards the ceiling and lift your butt and lower back off the ground.
  3. Slowly lower your hips back down and place your butt and lower back on the floor.
  4. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  5. Place your feet on the ground, get off the BOSU ball and stand up to complete the exercise.

3. Lower Back Extensions

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Lie forwards on the BOSU ball with your arms under your chin and your legs stretched out straight behind you.
  2. Slowly lift your shoulders towards the ceiling using your lower back until your lower back is fully extended.
  3. Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  5. Place your feet on the ground, get off the BOSU ball and stand up to complete the exercise.

4. Lower Back Hyperextensions

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)
  • 1 soft fitness ball


  1. Place the BOSU ball on the floor about two feet away from a wall.
  2. Grab the soft fitness ball in both hands, lie forwards on the BOSU ball, place your feet against the wall and stretch your arms out in front of you.
  3. Slowly bend your arms and bring the soft fitness ball in towards your chest. At the same time, squeeze your glutes and raise your lower back up as high as you can.
  4. Slowly extend your arms out in front of you and return the soft fitness ball to the starting position. At the same time, lean forward and return your lower back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  6. Place your feet and the soft fitness ball on the ground, get off the BOSU ball and stand up to complete the exercise.

5. Reverse Planks

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Sit on the BOSU ball and place your hands by your side.
  2. Slowly lift your hips off the BOSU ball. Make sure you straighten your legs, neck and spine and tighten your core muscles.
  3. Hold the reverse plank for as long as you can.
  4. Sit back down on the BOSU ball and stand up to complete the exercise.

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