BOSU Soccer Exercises
Soccer is a sport that requires balance, agility and quick reactions. These five soccer exercises help you improve in all these areas by getting you to perform rapid movements on the unstable surface of the BOSU ball. Three of the exercises also focus on the soccer specific skills of goalkeeping, passing and kicking.
1. Soccer Goalkeeping Drill
Equipment Required:
- 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)
- Kneel down on the BOSU ball and place your toes on the loor.
- Jump up and land with your feet on the BOSU ball.
- Kneel back down on the BOSU ball and place your toes on the floor.
- Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
- Stand up off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.
2. Soccer Jump and Turn Drill
Equipment Required:
- 2 BOSU balls (dome side up)
- Place the BOSU balls about two feet apart.
- Stand in between the BOSU balls with one behind you and one in front of you.
- Jump, turn and land with one foot on each BOSU ball.
- Jump, turn and land back in the starting position with one BOSU ball behind you and one BOSU ball in front of you.
- Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
- Step away from the BOSU balls to complete the exercise.
3. Soccer Kicking Drill
Equipment Required:
- 2 resistance bands
- 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)
- Attach the resistance bands to a secure location such as a door, a frame or a tree.
- Place the BOSU ball on the floor in front of the resistance bands.
- Grab the resistance bands, one in each hand, place your left foot on the BOSU ball and kick with your right leg.
- Step back off the BOSU ball.
- Place your right foot on the BOSU ball and kick with your left leg.
- Step back off the BOSU ball.
- Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
- Step off the BOSU ball and let go of the resistance bands to complete the exercise.
4. Soccer Passing Drill
Equipment Required:
- 1 BOSU ball (platform side up)
- 1 partner
- 1 soccer ball
- Stand on the BOSU ball and get your balance.
- Raise your right foot off the BOSU ball and get your balance.
- Get your partner to grab the soccer ball and stand about four feet in front of you.
- Get your partner to throw the soccer ball towards you and then kick the soccer ball back to them using your right foot.
- Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
- Lower your right foot down onto the BOSU ball, raise your left foot off the BOSU ball and get your balance.
- Get your partner to throw the soccer ball towards you and then kick the soccer ball back to them using your left foot.
- Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
- Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.
5. Soccer Side Step Drill
Equipment Required:
- 2 BOSU balls (dome side up)
- Place the BOSU balls about two feet apart.
- Stand in between the BOSU balls with one to your left and one to your right.
- Quickly step onto the right BOSU ball with your right foot and the left BOSU ball with your left foot.
- Quickly step off the right BOSU ball onto the floor with your right foot and off the left BOSU ball onto the floor with your left foot.
- Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
- Step away from the BOSU balls to complete the exercise.