Category: Bodyweight Exercise

Gain Weight Healthy

Gain Weight Healthy You want to gain weight healthy, but all of the advice you see offers you the same old tips that you’ve tried over and over again. The problem is that in order …

Squat Exercises

Squat Exercises The biggest excuse not to exercise has to be lack of time. That’s why it’s important to make the most of your workout. You can do this by incorporating the most effective exercises …

Safety Tips For Using a Bosu Ball

Safety Tips For Using a Bosu Ball If you are new to a bosu ball, you may notice that it looks a little unstable or even dangerous. The truth is, you can get hurt using …

Resistance Training Benefits

Resistance Training Benefits Resistance training is the use of weight or gravity and body mass to exercise the muscles. Many exercise machines are designed for resistance training including free-weight machines, incline benches and resistance bands. …

Exercise At Home

Exercise At Home An exercise program does not have to cost a fortune or require fancy equipment. There are excellent exercise programs which do not even require a gym membership. Exercises which utilize body weight …

What Are Six Pack Abs

What Are Six Pack Abs Men and women alike now are striving to get six pack abs – it looks just like a washboard, and it’s something everyone wants, but few know how to achieve. …

Bodyweight Moves for the Upper Body

Bodyweight Moves for the Upper Body As you probably know, bodyweight exercises allow you to workout anywhere and usually with no equipment or weights, toning and strengthening your entire body. For some people, they really …