Category: Healthy Habits

The Daily Low Carb Cookbook

The Daily Low Carb Cookbook Low carb eating is something that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It has been linked with a range of health benefits including: Improved weight loss (even when you’re …

Foods That Help Fight Acne

When you are working on fighting your acne, it sometimes comes down to what you choose to put into your body. While sugar might not be the only reason you have acne, like you might …

Mindfulness Digital Age

Another trendy and much-used word in use today is the word ‘mindfulness’. It can be used to describe many things; mindfulness in yoga, mindfulness in your coloring in activities and mindfulness in the digital age. …

Solutions For Social Anxiety

There cannot be a single person in the world who has not experienced anxiety, stress, and fear during their lifetime. It is such a complex disorder that it consists of a variety of types as …

Be Aware of Chemicals in Your Food

Be Aware of Chemicals in Your Food It’s amazing how much our food has changed over the past few decades.  In fact, the food we eat today would be virtually unrecognizable by our parents and …

Alcohol And Aging

Alcohol And Aging Look around you in the lunch hours, during the happy hour after work, on the college campuses, at sports events, in basements, at pubs and bars, at weddings, at parties, at functions …