How To Eat Plenty Of Dietary Fats

How To Eat Plenty Of Dietary Fats

Failing to eat enough dietary fats can cause cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and more.

The good news is that by following a few simple steps, you can get all the fats you need in your diet. In this article I’ll be providing you with these steps so that you can enjoy all the benefits dietary fats provide.

Step 1 – Eat Fatty Fish Twice A Week

Fatty fish such as anchovies, mackerel and salmon are an excellent source of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats. In addition to this, they contain high levels of muscle building protein and a selection of other health boosting vitamins and minerals.


When it comes to eating fatty fish, they’re extremely versatile. They can be enjoyed cold as a simple snack or as part of a salad. Alternatively, they can be enjoyed hot with a selection of vegetables or used as an ingredient in a casserole, curry or stew.

Step 2 – Eat Red Meat Twice A Week

Red meats are another top food for filling up on dietary fats with beef, buffalo, duck and lamb all being brilliantsources. They’re particularly rich in saturated fats but also contain good levels of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Additionally, red meats are a great source of B vitamins, iron and zinc.

Like fatty fish, red meats are very flexible and can be enjoyed hot or cold as part of various meals. Some of the tastiest ways to eat red meats are fried with mushrooms and onions and slowly cooked as part of a casserole.

Step 3 – Make Marinades With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Marinades allow you to give fish, meats and vegetables a unique flavor and if you use extra virgin olive oil as a base, you can significantly increase your intake of monounsaturated fats.

To make an extra virgin olive oil based marinade, combine two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with a small amount of your favorite spices in a bowl. Once they’re fully combined, add the food you wish to marinate to the bowl, fully coat it in the mixture cook it and eat it.

Step 4 – Eat Nuts & Seeds Twice Per Week

Nuts and seeds are nutritious, portable and make a perfect healthy snack. They’re packed full of all three types of dietary fat and also provide you with plenty of other essential nutrients.

Nuts and seeds have a satisfying, crunchy texture and taste great on their own. However, they can also be combined with yogurt or roasted with your favorite spices to create a healthy alternative to chips.


By following these four top tips, you can fill up on fats with ease and enjoy all their health benefits. So start taking action today and give your body all the dietary fats it needs for optimal health.

Recommended Dietary Fats

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  1. 10 Quick & Easy Healthy December 25, 2019 Reply
  2. Top 5 Fatty Fish December 28, 2019 Reply

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