The Textbook of Acupuncture Therapy

The Textbook of Acupuncture Therapy Product DescriptionIn this comprehensive textbook of Chinese acupuncture, the author clearly describes the complete range of acupuncture techniques, with anatomical references to the structure of the human body. Dr. Austin …

Veterinary Acupuncture: Ancient Art to Modern Medicine

Veterinary Acupuncture: Ancient Art to Modern Medicine Product Description This revision reflects major updating, expansion of hot topics, and coverage of trends, current areas of research interest, and controversies in veterinary acupuncture. The book begins …

Treating Fibromyalgia With Vitamins

Treating Fibromyalgia With Vitamins And Supplements To Help With Pain And More! Fibromyalgia is a painful disorder which causes fatigue, pain and more. It affects around 340 million people worldwide and currently no one is …

Top 5 Metabolism Boosting Exercise Tips

Top 5 Best Metabolism Boosting Exercise Tips And Tricks To Get Your Body Into Shape! If you want to optimize your metabolism and maximize the amount of calories your body burns each day, exercise is …

101 Toxic Food Ingredients Review

The Good And The Bad – The 101 Toxic Food Ingredients Review We live in a day and age where more and more people are obese, unhealthy and sickly. Most of these ills are the …

What Is Diabetes And How To Treat it

What is Diabetes? And Why Does it Affect So Many People? Diabetes is a disease which is quite simple to define. A person with diabetes has blood sugar levels which are not considered normal. Almost …