Tag: acne

Foods That Help Fight Acne

When you are working on fighting your acne, it sometimes comes down to what you choose to put into your body. While sugar might not be the only reason you have acne, like you might …

How Stress Affects Acne

How Stress Can Affect Your Health And Acne Does your acne flair up after an emotional upset? When you become stressed at work, are you more prone to skin outbreaks? For many years dermatologists have …

Hormonal Acne

Hormonal Acne Until recently, acne was considered to be a disease caused by oily skin or too much junk food. Scientists and physicians have discovered that certain forms of acne are actually caused by hormonal …

Natural Acne Cures

Natural Acne Cures Though you may not be able to prevent getting acne, you don’t have to run to the doctor for medicine when you have an outbreak. There are some natural acne cures that …

What Causes Acne

What Causes Acne Acne is a condition that affects millions of people and is most often attributed to teenagers or preteens going through puberty. But in reality, acne can happen at any age – even …

Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne For most people, acne can be an embarrassing subject. The causes of acne, especially in adults, might really surprise you. For many years, people believed that acne was caused by eating too …

Treating Back Acne

Treating Back Acne There are quite a few different theories about what causes back acne to occur and how to treat it. The first thing to remember when treating this is that anyone can get …

9 Tips for Blemished Skin

9 Tips for Blemished Skin When you have blemished skin, it can really do a number on your self-esteem. It’s not easy to look at yourself in the mirror without feeling frustrated and just wanting …