Tag: benefits of protein

Benefits Of Protein

Protein is often mentioned when a person researches diet and exercise. There are a huge number of protein supplements, powders and sports drinks available which claim to build muscle and burn fat from the body. …

The Risks Of Protein Deficiency

The Risks Of Protein Deficiency Failing to eat enough protein not only means you miss out on its health benefits but can also be very damaging to your health and have far reaching effects in …

The Benefits Of Protein

The Benefits Of Protein Protein is probably the most famous of the three macronutrients (three essential nutrients that your body requires in large quantities to survive) due to its muscle building properties. However, this is …

The Importance of Protein

The Importance of Protein Protein has been called the building block of muscle for many years. Even those of us who are not interested in gaining muscle mass are aware of how important protein is …