The Symptoms of Panic Attacks and How to Identify Them

The Symptoms of Panic Attacks and How to Identify Them

Increasing sources of anxiety in our daily lives have started taking a heavy toll. One of the results of such an increased level of sustained anxiety is the panic attack. The panic attack is significantly different than that of panic disorder. It is usually said that the average individual will experience at least one panic attack in his lifetime. However, the continuance of such attacks may result in panic disorder.

In short, a panic attack is a violent reaction of the human body against anything it perceives as stressful, even when the trigger doesn’t appear to be apparent. The patient  may suddenly suffer increased heart rate, increased rate of breathing and an exhausting feeling of panic. Whenever the individual with a sustained history of anxiety experiences such symptoms, it is likely that the probable source of the panic attack is that case history of anxiety.

In cases of advanced level of panic attacks, the individual may suffer further physical problems. The problems will include baseless and illogical fear towards any random development and object, a fluctuation and sudden higher body temperature, a tingling sensation in the either arms or any single arm, and even the finger tip, dizziness, sweating and nausea.

The above mentioned scenario is an advanced level of panic attack and possible for someone with a recurrent history of anxiety development. For such instances, an immediate professional medical assistance is necessary.

These instances help us to understand that, in a few cases of extreme emergency the individuals may even experience minor delusion. The physicians, in those cases, may advise immediate hospitalization in any Critical Care Unit.

Having mentioned all the above developments, we need to point out that even the most extreme panic attacks may be completely reversed. In a number of cases, the panic attack may sustain for fifteen minutes at the most. However, in emergency developments, the hospitalization is necessary for a thorough evaluation of different organs and other metabolic processes. The examination lets the physicians understand whether the individual’s physical condition may turn to a drastically worse physical development. Usually, the physician’s advise the release of the severe panic attack victims within three to four working days.

However, keeping a close eye on the further symptoms leading to attacks as well as prevention of anxiety development are some of those few options that require monitoring on a continuous basis.

More than one panic attack per week is deemed as being some evidence of a potential panic disorder and a professional medical advice is mandatory. In this case, seek help with a medical physician, or psychiatric doctor in order to control your attacks; and things are likely to start improving.

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