Everyone has probably heard about one of the many trendy diets that always come around, from paleo to alkaline and everything in between. These are all good and well, but some people get too caught up in which foods to eat over others and all the deeper nutritional facts, when it can be summarized pretty easily.
You need to burn more calories than you consume. If you’re extremely active, you can eat more than someone who isn’t because your body is using those calories.For most people who are either inactive or only somewhat active, it’s difficult to maintain that lower calorie diet each passing day.
Eventually, you might get tired of doing it and lose hope, especially if you’re not seeing results quick enough. There is a method that can help you eat a bit more on some days than others, though: intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting allows you to eat regularly most days, while eating an extremely low amount on others. This gives your body an overall net loss of calories, which is what you need to be able to lose weight.
Intermittent fasting is different than regular fasting, because you get to choose the days and the frequency of your fast. There are a few different methods of intermittent fasting out there, and you should experiment with them to figure out which one best fits your needs and your schedule.
One of the common methods of intermittent fasting is the two-five schedule. The two-five schedule allows you to spend five days of the week eating regularly, but you choose two days to eat no more than 500 calories.
There are also methods that have daily fasts, but you adjust the time of when you eat. For example, the Warrior fast gives you four hours to eat per day, with the remainder of the day spent consuming nothing but water.
This can help restrict your calorie levels greatly and help your body start burning off fat for energy. When it comes to the hourly-based fasts like the Warrior fast, you don’t necessarily have to do them every day.
If you’ve never fasted before, start off just doing it one day out of the week. Once you get acclimated to doing that, you can move up to twice a week or more, giving yourself more days in which you’re using up fat for energy. It’s good to leave one or two days per week as regular eating days, just to make sure you keep your energy up.
Best Intermittent Fasting Methods